I’m out walking in a big field and I’m desperate for a change :D I’m wearing a black t-shirt, a lilac coloured skirt, a black and white shirt is tied around my waist, on my cute little feet I have on a thin pair of socks and my pink sneakers, and I’m strapped into a very soggy ID Slip. As I sit on a wooden bench and enjoy the sunshine, I can’t resist hitching up my skirt and flashing my wet ID Slip like the cheeky little scamp I am :) It’s been on for quite a while, and when I stand up you can see how big and bulky it looks. I take a fresh Goodnites from my bag, and after unfastening the ID Slip, I pull on the new Goodnites. I love changing in the open like this, as there is always a chance I will be spotted and that is very exciting to me ;) Now that I’m nice and secure in something fresh and crinkly, I pack up my soggy ID Slip before striking some cheeky poses. I wonder how long this one will stay dry? ;)
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