over active belly imagination This scientist has been working hard documenting her amazing experiment and findings she has completely forgotten to eat. She orders food and scarfs it down (while on a break) when she comes back she gets right back to it talking about the chemicals she has mixed to make something amazing or grumble, grumble, her stomach starts making horrible noises she feels like she might explode, she panics noting the chemicals she mixed she might have ingested, maybe they got in her food, she did lick her fingers when sauce got on them, she is in a frenzy whe BURP giggle embarrassingly as it gets quiet she hangs her head realizing she just over reacted in the silliest of ways and tells her self thats what she gets for not napping and eating fast food....( this is meant to be a documentary type video custom ordered with stomach noises and all so different angles and different views)
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