This was a custom created for a client. You have a great first day with this girl you met on Tinder despite you being out of her league. A few days later, you offer to bring her lunch on her lunch break. She laughs and says "Don't you listen? I work the night shift. My lunch break is at 3 am, and don't try to weasel out now.” This comes to a surprise to you since she never mentioned that, and you have work at 8am, but you want to impress her so you agree. You pull up to the hospital and she hops in the car. She grabs a box of food and doesn't even address you until she notices you brought two boxes. She says her coworker Tiffany would love food, completely not caring if you got it for yourself. She then suggests you go to the backseat. You are excited, thinking it’s gonna be something kinky, but as soon as you sit, she lies down across the back and puts her dirty shoes on you. She mentions how these 12 hour shifts are hurting her feet and asks you to rub them for a few minutes. You agree and upon removing her socks and shoes are taken aback by the smell. She laughs, having forgotten to mention on your date that she has issues with foot odor as she puts her feet to your nose. She mentions how bad your car is going to stink and how you better get to work on rubbing because she only has an hour left on break. She doesn't really talk or give you any attention besides demanding you to rub harder and swiping through Tinder on her phone. When the hour is finally up, she puts her shoes back on and goes to leave. She then says she has a surprise for you. You think it is a gift, but she returns with a big bag and tosses it in the backseat. She tells you there is a laundromat next door, and she needs you to do her laundry. You are taken aback, but she is so attractive so you agree. She says this must be done by the time she gets off work at 7:30am. Looks like you won’t be getting any rest for work.
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