Got your attention, didn't I? What was it- My scantily clad body or...these shiny gold heels? I kow! Get down there. It's your place. make the bottoms shine like the top. Betas suck heels and lick crud. This sexy ass could be right in your face and it's none of your concern. Concern yourself w being a good shoe sucker! No pussy. No ass. Only shoes, feet, heels, crud! Repeat the mantras. Show gratitude! Thank Goddess for Her existence! Sacrifice your weak bitch body as a carpet to be stepped on. FOOT SLAVE TRAIING HEEL WORSHIP, HEEL SUCKING, SHOE & BOOT WORSHIP, BOOTIES, SHINY FETISH, TRAMPLING, GODDESS WORSHIP, FEMDOM POV, BETA TRAINING, LOSER TRAINING, CUCKOLD, BITCH BOY TRAINING, PUSSY FREE
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