In this video, I throw back a lot of sparkling water and generally wait for gas to come up more "naturally," so I don't burp on command as often. I'm at your house for a study date, and I'm really thirsty. I ask you for a, so beverage, so you grab me 4 cans of sparkling water. I start enjoying the first can as we study, and begin to look uncomfortable as the gas settles in. Finally, I can't hold it in anymore and the first burp erupts out of me. I am very embarrassed and apologetic, but you assure me that you don't mind, telling me that I can burp as much as I need to. I'm a little more hesitant at first, but I quickly become comfortable burping as needed. You start asking me questions about my burping, so our conversation covers topics such as how to burp on command, how my natural gassiness makes me burp, how I get out burps that are "stuck" in my stomach, and more.
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