You've come to my office begging me to change your failing grade or give you extra credit. But why should I? You barely ever showed up for class, and when you did you were late. And you rarely turned in a homework assignment. I don't know what to tell you, except to take the class over again and do better next time. But you start to cry in front of me. Oh lord... C'mon, you're only a freshman, you have plenty of time to retake it. But you continue to cry, well this isn't the first time someone has acted like so infantile in front of me. Maybe you need a diaper change... Wait. Seriously? You're wearing a diaper? Oh don't try to deny it now, you're definitely wearing a diaper under your jeans. Show me and maybe I'll let you pass my class. C'mon and show me. I can't help but laugh when I see a thick, padded diaper on your bottom. No wonder you're so whiny. Is it wet? I do a diaper check and see that you are soaking wet. You got so upset you pissed yourself right in front of me. I'll bet you use your backpack as a diaper bag. I look inside to find spare diapers, a binkie, powder and even a bottle. I laugh even harder. This is too much! I sigh and tell you that I have to intention of changing your grade, but if you let me change your diaper I will decide to keep this little embarrassing secret to myself...
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