Oh honey! you're home! I was just putting my feet up and have some news to break to you. I'm sick of you always going for my feet and not pleasing me in other places. So I've taken matters into my own hands and found a new piece of meat to please me. Oh yeah, remember a few weeks ago when I came into the office in that red mini dress and heels, only to say hi to you real quick and then got called into your bosses office? Is the lightbulb flickering yet? Let me call him up and tell him that you know now. And that if you know what's good for you you will keep your mouth shut so you can still appreciate my perfect feet... and his! You're going to worship our feet while we laugh at you... You're going to worship our feet after we've fucked and you crawl on your hands and knees like a fool for the privilege. You'll pay for our vacations and rub out feet on the beach so the whole world can see that you're a cuck and that your hot wife fucks your boss because you can't please her anymore! Now that you know your new place in this relationship, take me to got get a pedicure!
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