I know what your dream life is and it does not include her. You bought into it all, you got the" right" job, the "right" house and the "right" wife, yet here you are. By carefully dotting all your I's and crossing all your t's you've built yourself a life that feels more like a coffin. Your only respite is when you're listening to my voice. My voice leads you to fantasize about escaping, escaping it all to be on my collar. On my collar, you don't have to be the one with all the answers, you can finally focus on just being my good bitch. I know what you dream about and I know just what to say to give you the push you need to leave that relationship. Good boys use my Markup Codes: 25% God73316 || 50% God56811 || 100% God88340 || 500% God33692 || 1000% God11658
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