When a burglar bursts into one's boudoir, one has certain expectations. For a start, one expects a dashing devilish rogue, not a lower-class ruffian. A Raffles, not a Riff-Raff. Especially if one is a Duchess, one has standards, darling. One does NOT expect to have some criminal thrust handcuffs and leg irons and some sort of horse gag thing at one and order one to LOCK THEM ON oneself! The very minimum courtesy demands the fellow do the work himself. An artistic creation of rope as befits a lady. But noooo. No, it's slap these inescapable crude but dastardly effective things on - can't even be bothered to do it himself! Then swans off to have orf with one's paintings and valuables! It doesn't look as though he's even going to TRY to seduce me. I mean, what is the world coming to? Standards have fallen, you mark my words....
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