With Dakota Charms! Looking down, I see that you're cleavegagged and bound. I'm not surprised to see you in bondage. Removing your cleave gag helps to hear your mmmphs, but I replace it with panty stuffing. The mouth packing should keep you quiet, but I see you're excited from the pov gags. It makes sense that you would get a hard cock as I push my big boobs in your face for the mouth stuffing. The pvc shirt shows off my cleavage. I give you a virtual handjob before Becky gets back. Shh, I can't hear you with the dirty panties in your mouth but tell my bondage stories until you cum for me. I love your big load of cum, but am going to leave you for now! OTHER KEYWORDS- BDSM instruction pov gagging female domination pov femdom pov sensual domination cock tease dirty talking fetish clothing fetish clothes pvc-vinyl big tits curvy hourglass figures selfie fetish fantasies fantasy amateur candid kink brunettes with green eyes non-nude @DakotaCharms This was a custom and if you would like your own, please see my profile!
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