ICE QUEEN, ROXIE RAE has got you in her lair, all tied up and STRUGGLING as she LAUGHS at her victory, and you call yourself a superhero. ROXIE TEASES you with her cold and her beauty in her white dress and PANTYHOSE. ROXIE wants you to join her team of superheros turned super villains. You can join her pack or meet your demise as ROXIE FREEZES you with her breathe making you want to agree sooner, but you are still reluctant. ROXIE tells you her beauty and sex appeal is going to have you under her spell in no time, but suddenly she starts to get warm. The room is getting hotter and ROXIE feels like she is melting. Your breath is hot and heating up ROXIE'S cold, this is a power ROXIE didn't know you had. ROXIE melts down her chair and into the floor saying"my sexy body is melting" until she is totally gone.
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