Helen has been misbehaving in her hockey lesson and has been sent to Headmistress’s office with Sapphire escorting her to make sure she gets there. As the girls wait, both still wearing their slutty little sports kits, Helen realises there is something under her seat… a bottle of itching powder! Not realising, Sapphire turns her back Helen who sees an opportunity, tipping the itching powder down her back, over her socks and skirt. As Sapphire starts to feel the effects she scratches all over her body, slipping off her gym kit & lingerie so she can scratch properly. However she soon realises Helen is behind it and when she finds the powder tucked down the back of the sofa she grabs it and throws the rest of the bottle all over Helen! As Helen frantically scratches and strips off her own gym kit & lingerie, Sapphire just sits back laughing at her!
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