You go to the doctor for a general checkup, however you tell me that you have some discomfort in your groin are. I examine that, and I can't help but notice you have a big penis, I know im your dcoctor and shouldn't say that. After examination I conclude you have some testicle clogging, you need to release some tension. I then give you a massage with gloves on, quickly realising it's not enough for you to release all that tension. I know these are very untraditional techniques but I put you in my mouth and suck you. I can't hide the fact that I love your bbc. Even if I have patients waiting, you're a very special patient and I'll do whatever it takes for you to drain those big black balls. I then undress and show you my lingerie. I take you raw in my pussy, don't worry I your doctor we don't need condoms. I take your BBC missionary and I suddenly get a call from my husband... I need to take the call so I talk to him and try to hide the fact we are fucking. I then ride you and you give me a creampie, a hot load inside my hot pussy. I love your BBC inside my hot horny pussy. I then tell you you need to release more, so I take you in the ass (anal cowgirl) and you give me another load. Then I still think you have some cum to give me so I finish with a hair job and you cum all over my hair. This doctor has special techniques! Includes: handjob with gloves, blowjob, upskirt tease, pussy fucking, anal, hair job, hair fetish, heels, creampies (vaginal and anal), cumshot on hair *custom vid no name used*
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