Do you want me to live FANCY? Live in a big MANSION? Party while you are being USED as a slave? You better work, bitch, you better work, piggy! Now get to work, filthy face and OINK. It's time for you to PAY my BILLS so make some NOISE. Louder ... I wanna hear you GROAN, pig! Feel my WHIP and see me COME. PAY me as much as I DEMAND! Give me all, give me everything. I want to see you BROKE! I'm laughing hard and HARDER When I see you paying! You thought I was a JOKE But you never expected to end up as a slave! Now you are all FUCKED UP So keep on paying! Don't feel UPSET ... Tomorrow will be a NEW DAY Hahaha ... to WORK and PAY! Still don't EARN enough? And have to PAY by installments?! - You better OINK, pig for CHEAP LOSER PRICE https://www.manyvids.com/Video/3488866/HORNY-TO-PAY-MASTERS-BILLS-LOSER-PRICE/ (19.99 + VAT). ** To SUPPORT my VIDEO PRODUCTION ... if you want to see NEW VIDEOS of me - TIP me 5000$. * If you would like to get a CUSTOM VIDEO which will CATER to your FETISH - EMAIL to me!
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