Did you really think you could shake this habit of yours? Did you honestly think you could run away from the one thing that always makes your life worth living? Let's be honest - you will never be able to escape the jail that we both created around your little weak, beta mind, together! You and me, we are going to be dancing together in the flames of your old self, until the end of the world! You used to be a normal man, you used to like regular sex, but not anymore - not since you met me! Now you're stuck! But you don't even want to escape this addiction, do you? Admit it! Nothing ever felt as good as knowing you belong somewhere! In the normal,. regular life, you never felt like you belonged - you never fit in there! But here, with me, you finally have a purpose, some meaning! You finally have a reason to be alive! You finally might get rid of those antidepressants you've been taking for ages now! When you're with me, in my presence, you're so happy that you don't need a thing in the world! All you need is me, sending to me, gooning for me...endlessly!
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