SASHA FOXX has come home from a long day, in her CONVERSE SNEAKERS, SOCKS, JEANS, and long sleeve shirt. SASHA puts her FEET up in her SHOES knowing they are SWEATY and when she takes them off her FEET will STINK. SASHA removes her CONVERSE one by one as she WIGGLES her TOES in her damp SOCKS and lets the cool air hit her FEET. SASHA peels her SOCKS off then too, one by one letting her FEET finally breathe and relax. The SMELL of SASHA'S FEET fills the air as she wafts it away from her face. SASHA ankle crosses in her JEANS, and puts her SOLES side by side as she TOE WIGGLES and POINTS letting her SWEATY and SMELLY FEET take a much needed break.
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