Please don't look down- there's nothing to be ashamed of. I'm your wife- I know you. I worship you. Really, there's nothing to be embarrassed about! Sure, I was a little taken aback when I found your collection of hotwife porn, but not for the reasons you think. There was no anger, no jealousy- there were no accusations to be made. The real shock was the puddle that formed in my panties and soaked the chair beneath me as I watched the actresses wail in ecstacy, the whites of their eyes rolled back as if they were about to speak in tongues and pray to the Gods of tantric desire. Their pretty pink pussies fucked raw, spread open and stuffed made me ache to be one of them. And that's why I want to give you the ultimate gift, babe. Let me take some monster cock of my own- let me make your fantasies real. I see your cock levitating like a cobra enchanted by my song- I don't think you're going to be tough to convince. Happy wife, happy... For Fans of: Cuckolding, Roleplay, Hotwife Fetish, Virtual Sex, Dildo Riding, BBC, Lingerie, Striptease, Tit Play, Cuck, Big Tits, Romantic, PAWG, Eye Contact, Dirty Talk, POV, virtual handjob, red lips, oil on tits, tit play, BBC "About Your Hotwife Fetish" by GirlOnTop880
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