Good afternoon and thank you for joining me here today. I know therapy isn't for everyone... Especially this kind of therapy. I understand, based off of your paperwork that you're the shy type. Remember, I am a specialist. And you have special desires that need investigated. We're going to get into that noggin' of yours and uncover what makes you nervous. Is this normal? Am I weird? No. No, no, no, darling! You are perfectly fine and you are SAFE with me. We are here to indulge in your fetish in safe environment. I'm sure you noticed these leather boots as soon as I walked in. I have so many boots and I must say that they're probably my favorite foot wear. And I know they're yours too. Let me walk back and forth a little bit so you can truly appreciate the wrinkles and creases in the leather. Lets talk a bit more about your clothing preferences? But now that I know more about what you like, I can wear more leather or wear something shiny and seductive. Just for you! I told you this wasn't your average therapy... And you like to be gagged? Mmmm, yeah. Lets try this strip of duct tape, I know it's not a real gag, but we can pretend for right now. Let me just come in closely and seal your lips just so. I can just tell that you are loving every single moment of this, and that makes me SO happy to see! Are you willing to schedule another session with me? I haven't scared you too much have I?
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