Hey slavy, are you here again SPYING after my FEET? Take a seat and let's have a DINNER together. Yup, that's right. You will be EATING from my FEET! Lick my toes one by one and don't forget to LICK between my toes too. By the way, do you like ITALIAN FOOD? Would you prefer something sweet or raw? Oh come on, remove this TEA BAG from my toe with your teeth and throw it away! Hahaha, afterwards I can put a toothpick between my toes and help you to clean your teeth. Just move your face closer. I know I'm such a SWEET GIRL! ** To SUPPORT my VIDEO PRODUCTION ... if you want to see NEW VIDEOS of me - TIP me 5000$. * If you would like to get a CUSTOM VIDEO which will CATER to your FETISH - EMAIL to me!
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