I'd been masturbating while popping these unique shape soap balloons for almost an hour waiting for my boyfriend to come home. I was so horny when he got in I just wanted to keep popping them and to make him cum, I want you too as well... I press the balloons against him but I look at you, it makes me feel something I can't describe when I can feel what I'm doing to my boyfriend but know you are watching me, stroking too. I burst the first few balloons, touching his penis and getting him excited, I even use my feet to give him pleasure. I put his penis in my mouth, I love how horny the balloons make him. Let's play a game together now. Every time I suck or stroke him or touch myself you can too. When I stop to ride and burst a balloon you need to stop too, I want you to make it all the way. Soon I've burst all the balloons around me, I'm so horny I just can't control myself. I take my pump and inflate more ready for round 2. This time I simultaneously stroke and suck him while I ride the balloons, as they burst I want more so I make a blow to pop, each breath he gets harder. Once it bursts I make some pump pops with him deep in my mouth, I hope your still stroking too. For the finale I don't want to give too much away, but I make my boyfriend cum in my mouth, he bursts a few balloons which he often does at the peak, you can too if you like. We pop all the remaining balloons and I touch myself one last time to finish. Time to clean up all the mess.
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