I want you to join me for an intimate wetting ;) I’m wearing a multi-coloured dress, my shapely legs and my cute little feet are bare, and I’m tightly fastened into an adorable BunnyHopps. I get on my knees on the bed and hitch up my dress in order to cheekily expose the bottom of my BunnyHopps :) I stand up and strike some more poses, showing off my BunnyHopps and running my hands over the smooth surface. My bladder is very full, but before I empty it, I take hold of the camera and hold it close to my face so that you are almost touching me. Then I teasingly pan the camera over my body, taking you within inches of my lovely plastic :D My bladder needs to be set free, so I get back onto my knees and let the liquid flow into the BunnyHopps, which really feels good ;) Now it’s time to get close to you again…I just hope you don’t mind that my BunnyHopps is full and soggy ;)
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