This is a custom film My son stopped taking his shrinking vaccine. I caught him peeking in on me while I was showering and laying on my bed. As punishment I decided that I was going to donate him to Science or sell him to the government so they could research his little tiny body but instead I allowed him to live on and become my sex slave my pussy toy. I couldn’t really hear what he was saying but he seemed excited about it as he slipped down there pretty easily. We took a nap he woke up before I did and tried to run away God knows where he thought he was going Hr wound up jumping off the bed which is the equivalent of a five story building for him flat on his back. He was of no use to me now that he was broken a broken Pussy toy that I could do nothing with I had to take care of him just like I do any other bug in the house. Too bad so sad he won’t be missed.
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