**THIS IS A CUSTOM CLIP, PLEASE Contact me directly IF YOU WOULD LIKE YOUR OWN CLIP TAILORED TO YOUR DESIRES** **This is a Virtual Reality 360 clip. It can we watched with a headset, or by using a free software program. Clip starts with the camera on the sofa/chair as the model enters and walks towards the camera, she turns around then slowly lowers her ass down onto the cam. She realizes that she has sat on something and stands up looking down and says something about how she could have squeezed me! she then pics up the cam and places it down onto the floor at her feet then stands towering above. She then says that if she is going to squeezed me then she would rather do it with her shoe, she lifts the sole of her shoe above the cam and places her heel down with the sole right above my head and asks if I want her to crush me and makes me beg for her to flatten me like a bug. She tells me to lay down on my back. She lowers the sole of her shoe right down onto the cam so it touches the lens and holds it there saying she cant wait to feel my little body crunch under her sexy shoe. But then she lifts her shoe off looks down and says that she would actually rather tread on me slowly with her soft bare foot and removes her shoe. She then lowers the ball of her foot onto my chest with the cam looking up at her through her toes like the attached pic again, she presses into the cam and looks down at my little face between her toes. She asks if she is heavy on top of me and she wanders what sort of noise I will make when she crushes me and if I will go splat or pop, she says I wander what noise your bones and your insides will make when I step down on you. She then makes a flattening noise with her mouth. She gradually starts to press down harder and harder slowly increasing her weight on me as the camera starts to fade out as she crushes me under all her weight and she says oh yes flatten little man, and the cam fades to black. Then the cam fades back in to see her towering above
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