Nothing like a massage. Taking lotion to each others bodies and rubbing it in from head to toe, I let her massage my back and lead down to my ass. Well my panties got in the way so she lowers them right below to tease you. She puts more lotion onto my soft skin, rubbing and working it’s way into my body, as I let out soft settle moans. Mmm that feels so good. She has me turn over, my cute little pussy and tits in plain view as she works the lotion into them, playing with my tits and giggling. Now it’s her turn.. (; Tags: teen, teens, teen girl, ass, butt, pussy, tight pussy, wet pussy, moan, orgasm, asshole, asshole fetish, girl girl, g/g, female female, f/f, girl next door, petite, skinny, pale, chubby, average, massage, tattooed, inked, ass shaking, ass grabbing, ass smacking, nails, nail fetish, fingernail fetish, fingernails, finger nail fetish, finger nails, feet, fetish, boobs, tits, pierced nipples, smile, handjob, punishment, punished, punishing, punish, disciplined, discipline, brat girl, bratty girl, brat girls, Lulu Ayana, LuluAyana, KaylaStar
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