sep 14, 2022Stream and Download104.72 MB09m59sHD

Clickbait: Stop Aging! Achieve equilibrium! ONe of your biggest wishes in lidfe is to go backwards, to be little again. i can help you with this. I know something that at the very least will stop you from agiing any further. This simple little trick helps you never get even a day older. By doing it you will achieve bodily equilibrium. I know this whole idea might be a little hard to swallow, but think of it as a type of magic that keeps you from aging even one more day. Just think if you could stop from getting older it will be so much easier to go back to that "little" space. If you could get there you could stay there-because you never ever have to age even one day further. Your body will be in perfect stasis, an achieved equilibrium. now HOW will you achieve this? Symbols and fluidequality. So get your bottle ready and be prepared to put on a new diaper, too.  wanna hear the answer/task/resolution to this clickbait? better buy this lil audio... This is an AUDIO file. An image has been attached to this audio to make it acceptable for upload on manyvids, which only allows video. Nonetheless this is intended to be enjoyed as an audio file.

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