Your newest addiction is to stroke to the point of no return knowing you won’t get what you most crave at the end: My pussy. You’ve switched your brain to surrender mode. Things used to be normal until you got addicted to porn and masturbation but now you’re more than used to a life of denial. You watch too many videos, again, again and again, and slowly I weaken your mind and fucked your subconscious That’s when you gave up pussy and it felt so good right? You understood that like that you will get far more pussy than you could ever get irl. It is ok, stare at my unreachable pussy. I know you want to pump for it. How much time can you endure after hours of torment? It doesn't matter you shouldn't care about anything else to this point, just worship, stay denied, and goon as I command. *Use your headphones to listen to the soft binaural sounds on this clip
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