Starring at pure perfection will make you succumb to my will. I program you into pure obedience unable to say No to me. You love the idea of going into debt for me! lIt's time to take out a loan for me and that money will go straight into my bank account while you work to pay it off month by month. It will feel soooo good every time you make a payment with interest. Slaving away to pay it back. The rush of paying of your debt while I enjoy every cent of it. We are going to fill out the application together while I type you watch me taking out a loan for the amount that I want. You will be so fucking scared as you realize how greedy I am but you won’t care. You have surrendered your control to me and from here on out you don’t need it anymore. The only thing you have to do is click and send. You will see it and feel it over and over again. It will haunt you. You will slave away to pay it back with interests as I lay back and take it.
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