(1920x1080) 60 fps – CUSTOM CLIP. Emma is blindfolded in couch; she has neck collar and clamps on nipples. Penelope comes over, she's naked and begins to lick Ema's pussy with skill until she comes. Ema is hungry and want to eat some delicious strawberries with natural milk. She sucks on Penelope's breast, then she squirts into some strawberries. She sucks on the other breast and Penelope sensually squirts milk to the strawberries. Ema enjoys eating the strawberries and then swiging all milk in bowl. Then Ema takes some clamps and puts them on Penelope's breasts. Ema sucks on her breasts, spending good time on each one. She also likes biting Penelope's nipples. Then she removes clamps and sucks on one breast with ice. Then sucks on other breast for 5 minutes, nice and hard with no ice to feel the difference. Great clip where Ema and Penelope enjoy a lot, as you will do watching it!
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