"<p><img src=""http://www.misskelle.com/C4S/images/kellecustoms.png""> </p><p>Wardrobe: A little black dress, heels and pink lip gloss <br> 0-3 min You’re a sexy witch and I’ve come to ask for a spell to make me more attractive to women. You get offended because I’m being disrespectful and decide to have a little fun so with a snap of my fingers you turn me into a female pup, laugh, and make fun of me because now women will think I’m so cute. <br> 3-7min You turn me back to a normal man and tell me that you’ve decided to help me. The spell will make me the most irresistible man but ONLY if my manhood (my cock) is worthy, if not, as punishment, I will be turned into a sexy and feminine woman. You tell me to better go away and never come back, I don’t look man enough and for sure I’ll end up being a girly girl, but I insist. You explain to me that for casting the spell first you must give me a kiss, I obviously agree. You make me close my eyes, kiss me and then take down my pants to see my manhood. You start laughing at my little cock and tell me that I’ll be transformed into a woman for sure. <br> 7-12 min Describe to me how I’m getting transformed. Getting shorter, my hips, breast and ass growing, hair, face, voice, etc. Tell me that also my mind will change, I will like boys, cocks, shoes, dresses, etc. After being transformed, I start acting like a girl so I beg you to turn my clothes into female clothes. Laughing at me, snap your fingers to make me wear makeup, heels, panties, bra, blouse, miniskirt, etc. <br> 12-15 min I keep acting like a girl and you follow my lead while giggling about it. I even tell you how much I like your shoes, so you make me talk about how much I love heels, purses, and flirting with guys. At the end, you invite me shopping for an outfit so that we can go clubbing as girlfriends. <br> Please give me a girly name of your choice and mention that as I arrived I couldn't stop looking lustfully at you and now I can't stop looking at your shoes wishing to wear them. </p>"
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