What are you DOING looking at nasty porn sites at school? What an insult to the beautiful ladies who work here, like me! I'm your teacher, and I flash my legs for you every day, don't I? Like this! And you only need to ask if you want to see more. Let me unfasten my blouse and show you my gorgeous breasts. And do you want to see my mouth and tongue? And how about up my skirt? Do you want a closeup view of my pussy and ass? I can see you're aroused, but it's not quite enough for you, is it? I suspect I know why - it's cos what you really want is to see me pee! Well, alright, come along with me to the bathroom and I'll show you that. And oh my goodness, that really does arouse you doesn't it? Well, I'm not sure if a blowjob is exactly the most appropriate thing for me to give you but oh well! Goodness, that didn't last long! You came in my mouth!
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