sep 28, 2022Stream and Download1.42 GB12m26sFHD

My new office bitch has arrived. And they are AWFUL! No this is the wrong file, try again. Comes back with an empty file, you are useless so I’m going to give you something simple to do go and make me coffee with one sugar and keep it black, three stirs counter clockwise no more! Ugh this is disgusting, so I pour it on the floor. You are utterly useless, I should just fire you right now, oh you want to know how you can redeem yourself? I want you to sit on the floor and be my ashtray. This is my office, I’ll smoke where I like as I’m the boss, which you seem to have forgotten. Keep your mouth open, don’t you dare swallow, right that’s it, if you can’t keep your little mouth open, I’ll just have to train you. Pulls out O ring. Open your mouth and stick out your tongue. You want to be a good boy don’t you? take my smokey breath and hold it! I’ve now finished my cigarette, and don’t wish to look at you, sit there quietly and let me put a hood over you, and don’t move.

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