In this video, Syenite plays a cop who has a warrant to search my apt for contraband. They barge in and handcuff me so that I can't interrupt their search, even though I'm cooperating! They leave me handcuffed and in leg irons while they search my house. I struggle while they're out of the room, trying to ease the pain on my wrists, to no avail. They come back with contraband in hand and begin interrogating me about it. Unfortunately, I don't know anything about it because it belongs to my roommate, and we just met when I moved in recently. I continue to insist that I don't know anything while Officer Syenite hogties me and pushes on the cuffs on my wrists and ankles to pressure me into some sort of confession. They can't get anything out of me because I don't know anything, but they accuse me of lying. They threaten to take me to the station if I don't tell them what they want to hear, but I don't actually have the answers they're looking for, so they take the opportunity to frisk and grope me before walking me out to their car.
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