Jennifer Rose in "Lower than Low" The life of a pet is still a life without freedom. The video begins with Jennifer Rose coming home and greeting her pets. She is excited to see them for a brief moment, and even brings them a little piece of chocolate. Jennifer Rose is quickly bored with the novelty of their interaction, and reaches for her phone to make plans. With this clip, we tried to emphasize the absolute banality of being a pet trapped within a tiny enclosure with nothing to do. After leaving for the evening, her pets decide it is finally time to make their escape. Jennifer Rose returns, excited to greet her pets, only to find that they have all escaped from their home. Feeling betrayed, she finds the first few escapees, and crushes them accordingly. She finds the final group trapped by the windowsill, and decides to keep them, however, with a caveat. They will no longer be given the courtesy of the home which she has created, but rather, they will now rot forever in their new ant farm prison. Video includes: Gentle/Evil, Booms/Shakes, Screams, POV, Crush, Enclosure, Dialogue Originally published Feb. 2017
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