1920x1080 **SFX // Belly Growth /// Ingestion** The boys in this class have not been doing their work its gotten quite annoying. They also act out in class while the girls do their work and listen to me. Well this teacher is sick of it, sick of their non commitment to school. Also its annoying how the boys in this class stare at my cleavage instead of paying attention. I am going to punish the boys in this class; I am sick of the perverted eyes and non work ethic so I came up with a solution that only I will benefit from. I'm a hungry, hungry teacher you see. I love to devour boys who don't listen, don't do their work and are all around bad students. That's right in my tummy you will go, I love to eat men, especially men who deserve it. One by one I am going to devour you, all the students in my tummy. You should have done your work and not been a pervert. My belly is going to be SO full. I can't wait.
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