Heading out for a leisurely night swim, Akira to her horror finds Dexter afloat face down in the swimming pool! She rushes into the water and pulls him up, attempting to find any signs of vitals. Immediately she pinches his nose and delivers 5 mouth-to-mouth resuscitations before trying to compress his chest next. To no avail, Akira swims Dexter over to the poolside. She pulls him out and continues performs mouth to mouth resuscitation, blowing and puffing air into his lungs while pinching his nose. She tries pumping his chest countless times but to no good, he still does not seem to get his consciousness back. Desperate, Akira continues to do basic CPR and mouth-to-mouth with him until she gets worn out from it. With one last push, hoping to get Dexter’s feet back, she stacks up her power and pulls out a powerful pump on his chest. Her powerful pump accidentally pulls back and smacks her in the head, causing her to fall back directly into the deep waters. She too conked out and starts to bob face down in the water. The next morning Dacey comes outside as she just finished applying sunscreen all over her tanned body- but to her dismay she immediately sees poor Akira, laying afloat in the pool! Screaming for help, she jumps into the water and starts performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitations. Quickly realizing she needs to get her on land, Dacey drags her best friend out of the pool and lays her out beside the still not conscious Dexter. Now she has to decide- which one will she save? Time is running out!
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