Famous FASHION MODEL FAITH EROS was detained on CASTRATION CHARGES. The police officer claims that she has performed a CASTRATION on a man, whom she contacted on the DARK NET. FAITH EROS has denied all the CHARGES against of her. She said that police officer himself is confusing things. Firstly, he claimed that she was in a RELATIONSHIP with this man. And afterwards he said that he was just a stranger from the DARK NET. As police officer got tired INTERROGATING FAITH EROS he asked her to lift her skirt up. She refused ... so he had to do it himself. He used his LIGHT BATON to INSPECT her ASSHOLE. He was looking for the EVIDENCES ... for the OBJECT she used on a man's GENITALS to castrate him. That's when she made her CONFESSION that she is acquainted with this STUPID MAN. She admitted that she used to be RICH but because of BAD INVESTMENTS and DECISIONS she made in life she is BROKE now. That's why she decided to CONTACT this man when she saw an ADVERT. His FINANCIAL OFFER seemed to be as something that would SOLVE her FINANCIAL WOES pretty fast. Of course, she regretted later on for accepting an offer. All this CASTRATION FANTASY THING turned out to be not the way she imagined it in her mind. Her DIFFICULT LIFE STORY didn't make a police officer to FEEL SORRY for her. That's when he exclaimed that he has found the CASTRATION INSTRUMENT ... chopsticks inside her asshole. To find out if it was the right TOOL she used for castrating a victim and if she really feels SORRY for what she did - BUY this video and WATCH it! ** To SUPPORT my VIDEO PRODUCTION ... if you want to see NEW VIDEOS of me - TIP me 5000$. * If you would like to get a CUSTOM VIDEO which will CATER to your FETISH - EMAIL to me!
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