I’m shopping in a big department store :) I’m wearing a black and white jumper, a black and white skirt, and on my cute little feet I have on my black ankle length boots. I’m desperate to empty my bladder, so I quickly make my way to the store’s toilets. I enter a cubicle and lock the door, before removing my skirt to reveal the black and white panties I have on. But my bladder is under so much pressure that I don’t even bother to take off the panties, I’m in such a rush to relieve myself! I sit on the toilet and open the floodgates, and a warm jet bursts through my panties and falls down into the toilet! The easing of the tension is so satisfying, and I’m sure that if anyone is in the next cubicle, they will be able to hear me :D My panties are obviously drenched, and when I’m finally empty, I stand up and give my crotch a wipe with some tissue. Then I put my skirt back on and flush everything away. That was definitely a much needed toilet trip ;)
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