You're strapped in the high chair being fed by me, your new step-mommy, while I'm talking on the phone telling my sister all about how I recently broke up with boyfriend. I explain how he started sobbing and got so upset he pissed his pants in front of me. It was so clear that I was making the right choice. What I leave it out to her on the phone is that you're now my little one. Since you always wanted me to clean up your messes, take care of you and get you out of trouble- this new situation fits perfectly. I mention on the phone of the exciting surprise I'm bringing to Thanksgiving- a new change. A new change in your status and also a new change for when your diaper gets stinky! When I hang up the phone, I remind you tonight you'll be introduced to my friends again as my new little diaper wearer at our Friendsgiving. You have so many of my friends relieved you're back in diapers while I'm back out on the social scene! This content was written by the talented Personalias! You can find him on Twitter @personalias84 and his Pateron!
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