[10-2021] Sentina’s dramatic resus after an allergic reaction continues. The paramed team cuts off her shorts with a scissor and performs CPR with strong chest compressions and with the ResqPump. The defibrillator is charged but there is no response after the first round. They perform manual CPR during which they remove the Mayo pipe from the patient’s mouth and prep her for intubation. When the intubation is completed, they affix the ET tube with gauze. Following many, many more cycles of CPR, bagging and defibs they set up a Lucas machine on the patient and switch to AED pads. The resuscitation continues and following many more cycles of Lucas CPR, bagging and defibrillations, the patient pulse returns to normal rhythm. She is now ready to transport. An excellent on location resus clip includes CPR with superb deep and strong chest compressions with lots of equipment. A must-see clip for all resus fans, CPR fans and realism fans. (in HD 1920X1080) - OPandER
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