Custom: (No Name) I'd like you to pour 2 or 3 cans of flarp (noise putty/slime) on your hair, let it sit for about 30 seconds, and try to get it out. For each of the first two cans, you should stretch out the slime and drape it over your head. For the last can, you should try stretching the slime it out, and covering your face and the side of your hair like a face mask. Then, after it's done settling for ~30 seconds, that is when you try to remove the Flarp from your hair. The harder I try to remove the slime from my hair, the messier it gets. I try conditioner, water, oil, apple cider vinegar and try to comb the slime from my hair. Long and messy process. Took me hours to do this but condensed the clip for content.
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