Hey, step-sonny I decided to ADOPT a BIG COCK step-son to MOCK your tiny penis. Your step-mommy is extremely frustrated with your cherry tomato. I need something bigger than that in my MILFY SEX LIFE! Come on, step-sonny UNZIP your pants and show to us your weeny peeny. I want you to grab with one hand on your dicklet and with another one to grab on your newly adopted step-brother's cock. Can you feel the difference?! Yup, keep on STROKING those cocks ... concurrently. I know sweety, for your cocklet you need a pinkie or a pointer finger to STROKE it and for your step-brother's cock you need the whole HAND. I perfectly understand it that it makes you feel yourself upset and somehow UNDEVELOPED AS A MAN. Even your SPERM doesn't look or taste right. It's all watery without any fragrance, whatsoever. Good quality sperm suppose to smell and taste as STEP-MOMMY'S MILK. Ok step-sonny, as somehow we have way stronger AFFECTION with you than with your newly adopted step-brother I will help you to obtain a bigger COCK. Come on sweety, help me to tie up your step-brother and get ready for OPERATION yourself. Oh my goodness, where's my SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS? Hahaha ... wake up honey! Yup, it's still me your step-mommy. What's up with your cock? Oh, it's still the same tiny with balls as cherry pits? I know ... I'm not blind! Hahaha ... your step-mommy has stitched that BIG COCK of your step-brother on top of her PUSSY. So what does it mean for you? It means that you will REMAIN the same small penis loser you were before. Nothing has changed for you! But for me the changes are drastic! Now I have 2 CLITTIES serving to my STEP-MOMMY BIG COCK. Simple as that! Hey honey, perhaps you feel like stroking your step-mommy's cock too? I just want you to understand how miserable is your COCK CONDITION. Put my DICK in your mouth and let me FEED you with a GOOD QUALITY MILK! Hahaha ... ** To SUPPORT my VIDEO PRODUCTION ... if you want to see NEW VIDEOS of me - TIP me 5000$. * If you would like to get a CUSTOM VIDEO which will CATER to your FETISH - EMAIL me!
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