Another 4 days of mindfuck to reprogram you into a better man little by little I want you to understand that being submissive has never been about being powerless. It is about the conscious decision to gift that power to a person you deem worthy of it. I don’t believe you won’t truly understand desire until you feel my words gripping slowly into your mind. Mind fucking is more intimate than stroking freely will ever be I will take you mentally and physically to places no one dares to navigate. Stay committed to me as your only Goddess and let me softly reprogram you. *This video can be bought separately from the series but I suggest getting all 4 so you can indulge deeper into submission. Use MarkUps to thank goddess for this intense mind fuck:Cla22696 adds 100% Cla64028 adds 250% Cla73042 adds 500% Cla72993 adds 1000%
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