With Dakota Charms! I want to show you a real magic trick because I'm half fairy. You should be feeling the magic spell as it slowly turns you into a cute fuzzy rabbit! Relax and feel the tingle. Just submit and give into the sensations. There are your whiskers, button nose and big teeth! Look at those big ears and little paws. Cooing, I love soft fur growing out of your skin as you're shrinking smaller. I could pick you up and pet that fluffy tail. Life will be easier as we play together and you never have to worry about anything as I take care of you. KEYWORDS - pet play erotic magic control transformation fantasies transformation fetish transformation fantasy shrinking fetish brat girls female domination pov femdom pov big tits curvy hourglass figures selfie fetish fantasies fantasy amateur candid kink brunettes with green eyes non-nude @DakotaCharms This was a custom and if you would like your own, please see my profile!
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