This is it. The meeting place. Outskirts of the city. Kinda dangerous but you are in possession of some highly valued and sought after data. Out of the shadows She approaches. “Are you the guy?” You nod solemnly, taken aback at how gorgeous and tall this Merc is. And you honestly didn’t expect a woman. She was dressed head to toe in a tight spandex suit. Maybe She’s a Netrunner? Your thoughts are interrupted abruptly when She very brazenly tells you to give Her the data. You shuffle about, “Uhh let’s discuss payment?” She laughs and pulls out Her tablet, seemingly ignoring you, She smirks as She scrolls and finds out some information. Information about YOU. “MmmHmm. Okay. I see what kinda braindances and Joytoy’s you’re into. Very interesting. Good to know.” She puts the tablet down and tells you to sit down for negotiations. Now sitting and confused She unveils Her succulent feet in your face. Taken aback but incredibly turned on, you look at Her. The smirk on Her face a full smile now. “Oh this isn’t blackmailfantasy 2020. This is now I know what you like and I’m going to use that to My advantage. I’ll get that information from you. Watch.” Feet are your absolute weakness, especially those attached to such a demanding woman. Your cock can’t handle it. You HAVE to take it out and stroke. Those arches and wrinkles are PERFECT! You’re already dripping at Her arrogance. Fuck. Let’s see what happens. Surely you’ll be able to resist giving Her what She wants. But. Feels so GOOD.
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