Raven Vice is what we call a unicorn. A unicorn in sexual terms is a woman that is a rare breed among Sluts. A woman that is as nasty as they come, a woman that is above and beyond what is considered a hardcore Slut. Unicorns like Raven Vice loves to be used, used hard. Unicorns like Raven Vice are in constant Slut Training. Always getting stretched and always pushing herself to be a bigger and better Slut. Being that Raven Vice is a Unicorn Slut it means she cant go where other Sluts go for their Slut Training, she needs and gets her Slut Training from the very best Slut Trainer there is, Richard Mann. She knows he will push her to and past her limits. Richard Mann is known for his Slut Training skills and has trained up some of the world's most insane whores.
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