I know lovely hubby, you thought that your wife has to meet you up looking all GROOMED UP. What I seriously don't understand why you thought that you can TREAT your WIFE as a SEXUAL OBJECT? I know you wanted me to wear something SEXY and run towards you on high heels. You wanted to KISS those PAINTED LIPS of mine instead of seeing me eating a SANDWITCH and chewing it loudly in front of you. I'm really sorry for being that extremely CLUMSY but that's the NATURAL me. Yes, I didn't care to wash or brush my hair for you. I'm having a SPA DAY today so that's why instead of MAKE-UP I'm wearing a FACE MASK. I'm seeing my LOVER tomorrow so I have to POLISH myself for him. By the way, I want you to give me some CASH for manicure and pedicure. Yes, while my LOVER enjoys - you PAY!
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