I'm sitting at my table finishing up my lunch, really enjoying myself and burping. After eating, while I sit back and rub my belly, I suddenly hear a noise. I look down and find you two tinies at my feet spying on me. Don't you know what happens to tinies that sneak into my house? I tell you you're going in my belly before threatening you with my feet and dangling you both over my open mouth. I drop you (the first tiny) in my mouth and swish her around a bit before swallowing. Now POV 2nd tiny- I rub my belly a bit and then place you on my belly to feel her move and hear my stomach gurgle (edited in gurgling sounds). I then hold you up and burp in your face to tease you before dangling you over my open mouth and swallowing you down. I rub my belly a bit, telling you both how nice of a dessert you were and all that. POV- my friend. I lay back and burp for a while, really enjoying my belly. Suddenly my friend shows up and asks if I've seen her tinies. I try to lie and play it off at first, but she hears my burps and sees my belly moving. After some back and forth (and some implied muffled yells from my belly) she tells me to let you out to share. I refuse, because you were spying! She won't drop it so finally I tell her she can help me get them out. I begin kissing her, and then tell her she's going to join the tinies. I swallow her whole, then lay back with my enormous belly. I rub it and burp, laughing at the struggle inside. The struggle feels good and makes me burp. I feel my friend try to come back up, but I gulp her back down and make fun of her escape attempt.
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