This is an ultimate Tease and Denial game that can have a variation of endings and be played on repeat endlessly! All you need are some dice and your penis. If you don't have dice, just flip a coin. Heads are even, Tails are odd. You do have a penis? Oh a clit - yummy - just rub instead of stroke! The game is played in three parts. As you make it through each part, you will roll the dice to determine your Intermission length. It can be minute, hour, day, week, month - depending on your personal level of edging. We will use an honor system here for the no touching part. Three parts + Surprise Fate Finale! As I hold up each card and and you mimic my strokes, you determine your grip based on desire to NOT cum until the very end. Twists and turns around every corner. Then for The Finale, the dice roll determines if you get to cum hard or ruin your orgasm. If you happen to pre-ejaculate at any point - you lose the game and have to begin again after a wait. This is almost an hour long of edge games - Enjoy.. again and again and infinity!
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