A village lad caught sight of Chloe Toy shamelessly bathing in the nude in the waterfall pond and - once he'd had a good lust over her - noticed she had a strange tattoo on her back. The mark of the devil? A sign of witchcraft? Surely she had bewitched him with her seductive wiles, that was why he's just sprayed come all over the bushes he was hiding behind! He raced to tell the village elders what he had seen (well, the suitably-edited version about the tattoo, at least. Naturally they haul Chloe in to the village prison and interrogate her. The oblige her to remove her dress and there it is- the tattoo on her back! She claims the tattoo is just some silly princessy symbol from a book - but the elders are having none of that, she must be a witch! She must be kept in cold iron chains to break her spells, gagged so she cannot speak while the council decide what is to be done with the wanton temptress. Her muffled protests are as naught and she is left chained in the cell with heavy steel handcuffs and leg irons, collared and chained to the ceiling. Then they make her stand with her hands high above her head and gag her with a bit gag to silence her cries. They leave her for hours in the cold, dark cell, lit only by flickering firelight from the brazier. Collared, cuffed and chained she is sentenced to public exposure in front of the whole village as a warning to other wanton sluts not to dabble in witchcraft!
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