An old friend of yours has recently gotten himself a sugar daddy and has invited you out to visit to go on a shopping spree. When you arrive, he tells you about how wonderful his life is now and all the amazing, expensive things Daddy has bought him. You learn that not only does Daddy like to indulge him with gifts, but also food. Daddy takes him out to huge, indulgent dinners, leaves him multiple boxes of chocolate, and has even gotten him hooked on a chocolatey heavy cream Starbucks frap that's well over 1000 calories on its own. All of this has clearly taken a toll on his once-trim waistline, but no matter how blatantly obvious it seems to you, he doesn't seem to notice just how pudgy he's gotten. When you begin to shop, he squeezes himself into a crop top that's at least 3 sizes too small, and even has you help him button up his far too-tight jeans--only for him to pop the button! Finally, he admits that he's put on some weight, but he insists he'll get liposuction to slim himself back down--only to then talk about getting ice cream immediately after to celebrate...
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